Improve sales, increase profits, strengthen the image of the company … Although all these are very valuable goals for any company, the truth is that to be achieved they need a very important factor: work motivation, look here

Work motivation is like gasoline that keeps the engine of a company moving. Without it, the performance of daily tasks would not be achieved with the same quality. It is impossible to think about the well-being of a company without thinking about the well-being of the employees, so work motivation plays an essential role in achieving the objectives of any business.

What is Work Motivation?

Work motivation is a stimulus that companies and companies carry out to keep their employees satisfied and committed to their position. This motivation is achieved through different stimuli whose objective is to maintain the interest of workers and encourage them to perform their tasks in the best possible way.

Can an organisation simply buy employee motivation? - Workplace Insight

However, work motivation is not only necessary to create a good work environment. Companies with more committed employees have reported an increase in profitability of 21%. If workers are motivated, it is more likely that the quality of their work will be much better and their productivity will increase.

In addition, motivation helps to generate a bond between the company and the employee. In this way, workers’ loyalty is improved, since they not only see the company as a means to satisfy their needs but also commit to its cause and objectives.

Types of Work Motivation

Work motivation is as important to an employee’s performance as that first cup of coffee in the morning. However, not all types of work motivation are the same.

Several divisions are used to classify work motivation, but the most common is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic.

  • Intrinsic motivation: This type of motivation is derived from the internal satisfaction of the person and has to do with their achievements and their individual capabilities. Although this motivation occurs on a personal level, the company can influence it by recognizing the good performance of its workers and by offering tasks and tasks that are appropriate to the profile and capabilities of a particular employee.
  • Extrinsic motivation: This motivation is derived from factors external to the worker. Raising wages, job benefits or awards are just a few examples that illustrate how the company can take steps outside of its workers to increase their job interest.

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Work Motivation Techniques

Next, we will introduce you to various work motivation techniques that can be effective in stimulating employees in their day-to-day lives.

Easy Ways to Give Employees some Motivation at Work

Recognition of Achievements

Who does not like to receive a golden star on their forehead?

As children, most of us enjoy recognition for our good behavior and performance, and this pattern continues into adulthood. While little stars don’t look so great with business suits, a personal congratulation from the boss, a pat on the back, or even an email highlighting the positive results of a particular worker are helpful strategies to strengthen the satisfaction of an employee.

Similarly, some companies organize various award systems and offer medals or badges to recognize outstanding performance or specific achievements of the most outstanding workers. Whatever the strategy of the company, the important thing is to make employees feel that their efforts are recognized and appreciated by the company.

Labor Promotion

It’s safe to say that this is one of the most effective job motivation techniques out there. After all, no one likes to be stuck in the same place for years.

The possibility of obtaining a better position (with its corresponding better salary) is a great incentive for any worker since it is not only a way to recognize your effort and good performance, it also helps make him feel like part of the company. If the company grows, so does the employee, so a symbiotic relationship is generated.

Constant Training

Providing continuous training to employees is a great work motivation strategy. The courses, certificates, and additional classes not only present new challenges and learnings that contribute to the constant improvement of the worker but also benefit the company. Having more trained employees raises the quality of work and even influences productivity to improve.

Continuous training of an employee is particularly important in companies where innovations and changes occur quickly, as in the technology industry or the academic area, for example. However, all companies can find benefits in having an up-to-date and capable workforce.

Work Harder Blue Motivation Neon - Free photo on Pixabay

Goal Setting

Baseball player, Yogi Berra used to say that if we don’t know where we’re going, we’ll end up somewhere else.

This applies to both the baseball field and the office. It is difficult to perform a task when you do not know what the final goal is, so setting clear objectives for employees, reviewing them, and providing the necessary feedback are essential tasks to maintain work motivation.

89% of recruiters say that a continuous feedback program to evaluate the performance of workers and their achievement of objectives is highly beneficial to incentivize employees. This helps the worker have a greater sense of purpose and put their efforts into reaching a particular goal.

Worker Autonomy

Although there are indeed many types of leadership and each of them has different degrees of involvement on the part of the leader, it is also true that giving Some space for the worker to perform their tasks and not constantly interfere with their daily tasks is a good work motivation technique.

Allowing the employee not to be under constant supervision does not only helps to reduce stress levels of the staff, but it shows that the company places its trust in the worker and believes in their abilities.

Yes, it is necessary to review the performance and detect areas for improvement, but it must also provide the opportunity for the employee to carry out their responsibilities without the need for constant checking.

Facilities Improvement

You do not necessarily have to offer capsules to take naps, slides, and even miniature golf spaces, but maintaining a comfortable, clean and well-maintained space can have a very positive effect on employee performance.

Employees spend at least 8 hours in the same space. Offices are practically your second home so a decent chair, a stable desk, and adequate space to prepare coffee and snacks are the least you can expect from a business.

Discomfort and dirt are not the best inspiration, so it doesn’t hurt to invest some time and resources in making your workspace a place people want to go to.

Benefits Package

Although there are benefits that must be offered by law to workers such as an annual vacation period or health care, the truth is that today Today, companies are taking an extra step to ensure the well-being of their employees.

Restaurant checks, the option of accessing a nursery, private health insurance, The possibility of working from home, the gym, or gifts at Christmas are just some of the social benefits that many of the employees’ value. In fact, 50% of workers affirm that these types of benefits are one of the main reasons that lead them to stay in a company.

So if what is You are looking to retain employees, offering them that “something extra” may be the best way to earn their loyalty.

Template Organization

Well, they say that you cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb trees and, in the same way, you cannot judge a fish either employee who performs in a position that does not match his profile.

Assigning responsibilities and tasks according to the skills of each worker is an extremely important motivational technique. If an employee performs a job for which he is not qualified or that is well below his level of experience and knowledge, it is very easy for him to become frustrated and feel little motivated to carry out his work.

Properly delegating tasks and delimiting the responsibilities of all personnel will make the company’s processes work more harmoniously. If you manage to correctly apply this work motivation technique, you will soon be part of one of the best companies to work for.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation: How to Drive People to Do Amazing Work


One thing is clear: companies are built as a team.

There are no single companies single person, therefore, to improve its performance and achieve business objectives, it is necessary to create a solid team capable of working in synergy.

Working life takes up much of a person’s day, so an employee is unlikely to be motivated to go to the office every day and spend endless hours there if they don’t get along with the people around them.

Just as no one would like to move to a neighborhood with hostile neighbors, it is evident that it is not very attractive to work in a company where the employees are not friendly, so, yes You want to improve work motivation, you need to develop various team dynamics.


Nobody likes to be lied to, therefore, it is necessary to emphasize how important is the honesty and transparency of a company with its workers to improve labor motivation.

If a company does not communicate the true business results, carries out hiring processes based on nepotism, or lies about the economic situation to avoid giving raises and benefits, it is evident that workers will soon feel uncomfortable and prefer to take their services to another company.

Remember that the relationship between a worker and a company is like a romantic relationship between two people: it must build on mutual trust.